We’ve been reviewing the data for lag time from grant of review to oral argument to decision in criminal cases, dividing the data up to separate non-death and death penalty appeals, searching for an explanation of why lag time for affirmances has been considerably longer than lag time for reversals between 2000 and 2007. Today, we’re reviewing the data for death penalty appeals between 2000 and 2007.
In contrast to most of the rest of the data, for death penalty appeals, reversals have been pending longer than affirmances. Reversals have averaged 3,169.458 days from grant of review to argument. Affirmances have averaged ten months less – 2,876.03 days.
The relationship is the same for the lag time between argument and decision. For reversals in death penalty cases, the average lag time from argument to decision has been 78.75 days. For affirmances, the average lag time has been 74.17 days.
The data varies widely for the lag time from grant of review to argument. The standard deviation for affirmances from grant to argument is 973.28. The standard deviation for reversals is 1,215.37. For the period from argument to decision, the standard deviation of the lag time for affirmances is 13.133. The standard deviation of the lag time for reversals is 10.967.
Join us back here next Thursday as we turn our attention to a new issue in our continuing analysis of the California Supreme Court’s decision making.
Image courtesy of Flickr by Peasap (no changes).