Tomorrow at 3:00 pm Eastern (noon California time), I will join a panel discussion of the principal differences between state appellate practices around the country. The first in a series, this time we will be discussing Arizona, California and Nevada.
From the program description, with sign-up information:
There may be significant differences among appellate practice even in neighboring states. This program will highlight and flag those differences for the benefit of appellate practitioners who venture across state lines. Tips for appellate practice in California, Arizona and Nevada will be provided. At the end of the program, attendees will:
• Understand the key differences between appellate practice in California, Arizona and Nevada.
• Learn “what not to do” in each appellate jurisdiction that will identify the practitioner as an “out-of-towner”.
• Gain useful information and contacts for future reference in each appellate jurisdiction.
Jay Breakstone, Parker Waichman LLP, Port Washington, NY
Ben Cooper, Dickinson Wright PLLC, Phoenix, AZ
Kelly H. Dove, Snell & Wilmer, Las Vegas, NV
Kirk Jenkins, Arnold & Porter, San Francisco, CA
Co-sponsor, the ABA Judicial Division, will seek 1.5 hours of CLE credit in 60-minute states and 1.8 hours of credit in 50-minute states.
Photo courtesy of Flickr by Andrew Dupont (no changes).