Tomorrow at 3:00 pm Eastern (noon California time), I will join a panel discussion of the principal differences between state appellate practices around the country.  The first in a series, this time we will be discussing Arizona, California and Nevada.

From the program description, with sign-up information:

There may be significant differences among appellate

With this post, we proceed to the Fifth District’s population and case distribution statistics.

Fresno is the biggest county, with 29.16% of the Fifth’s population.  Following that are Kern County at 26.31%, Stanislaus at 16.12% and Tulare at 13.86%.  Merced has 8.02% of the population, Kings County accounts for 4.79% and Tuolumne County is 1.74%.

Today and tomorrow, we’re concluding our six-part review of the tenure of Justice Carol Corrigan of the Supreme Court.  Justice Corrigan has written 83 majority opinions in civil cases and 14 dissents.  She has written 20 opinions in civil procedure cases, 14 involving government and administrative law, nine each in employment law and tort law