Last week, we began our review of the Court’s experience with governmental entities.  This week, we’re evaluating governmental entities’ winning percentage.

Petitioners won 85.71% of their cases in 1994, 59.09% in 1995 and 100% in 1996.   Petitioners won 85.71% in 1997, 64.29% in 1998, 57.14% in 1999 and 71.43% in 2000.

In 2001, petitioners won 57.14% of the Court’s decisions.  Petitioners accounted for 88.89% in 2002 and 2004, and 80% in 2003.

We review governmental entity respondents from 1994 to 2004 in Table 313.  Half of the Court’s governmental entity respondents prevailed in 1994.  Two-thirds prevailed in 1995, 37.5% won in 1996, 71.43% won in 1997.  Two-thirds won in 1998, 40% in 1999, 42.86% in 2000 and one-quarter in 2001.  In 2002, 57.14% of governmental entity respondents prevailed.  In 2003, one-third of respondents won, and in 2004, 36.36% did.

In Table 314, we report government entity appellants’ winning percentage for the years 2005 through 2016.  Government entity appellants won only 28.57% of their cases in 2005.  Appellants won three-quarters of the time in 2006, 80% in 2007, 77.78% in 2008, and 100% in 2009.  In 2011, government entity appellants won three quarters of the time.  Appellants won 100% of their cases in 2012, but none in 2013 and 100% again in 2014.  Government entity appellants won two-thirds of their cases in 2015 and 77.78% in 2016.

In 2005, government entity respondents won 44.44% of their cases.  In 2006, respondents won 47.83%.  Government entity respondents won 70% in 2007 and half in 2008 and 2009.  In 2010, government entity respondents won 57.14% of their cases.  In 2011, government entity respondents won only 28.57% of their cases.  In 2012, government entity respondents won 83.33%.  Government entity respondents won half their cases in 2013, two-thirds in 2014, 46.67% in 2015, but only 20% in 2016.

Join us back here next Thursday as we turn our attention to the Court’s criminal docket.

Image courtesy of Flickr by Owen Allen (no changes).