Last week, we reviewed the Justices’ agreement rates in civil cases between 1990 and 1995 and 1996 to 2001. This week, we’re taking two further steps – today, agreement rates for the years 2002 to 2007, and tomorrow, Justice-by-Justice agreement rates for the years 2008 through 2013.
Justice Baxter had an agreement rate with the pro tem Justices of 61.54 during these years, and a rate of 56.44% with Justice Moreno. Justice Brown had an agreement rate in the seventies with two Justices – Justice Chin (77.97%) and Justice Baxter (76.67%). Justice Brown had an agreement rate of 55.74% with Chief Justice George, 50.81% with Justice Werdegar and 50% with the pro tem Justices. She had an agreement rate of 48.39% with Justice Moreno and 46.77% with Justice Kennard. Justice Chin had an agreement rate of 87% with Justice Baxter, a rate of 62% with Justice Moreno, and a rate of 58.33% with the pro tem Justices.
Justice Corrigan had an agreement rate with Justice Chin of 81.82%. His agreement rate was 75.76% with Justice Baxter and 75% with the pro tem Justices. Justice Corrigan and Chief Justice George had an agreement rate of 62.5%. Justice Corrigan was in the fifties with two Justices – Justice Moreno (54.55%) and Justice Werdegar (53.33%). Justice Corrigan’s agreement rate with Justice Kennard was 36.36%. Chief Justice George had an agreement rate with Justice Moreno of 81%. His agreement rate with the pro tem Justices of 77.78%. His agreement rate with Justices Chin and Baxter were 75.26% and 69.07%, respectively. Justices Kennard and Baxter had an agreement rate of 43.56%.
Justice Kennard had an agreement rate in the sixties with four Justices – Justice Moreno (68.93%), Justice Werdegar (67.68%), the pro tems (66.67%) and Chief Justice George (65%). Justices Kennard and Chin had an agreement rate of 48%. Justice Moreno agreed with the pro tem Justices in 80% of divided civil cases. Justice Werdegar had an agreement rate with Justice Moreno and the pro tems of 70%, of 68.04% with Chief Justice George, of 53.61% with Justice Chin and of 51.02% with Justice Werdegar.
Join us back here tomorrow as we review the data for the years 2008 through 2013.
Image courtesy of Flickr by Jan Arendtsz (no changes).