In 2000, the Supreme Court decided three civil cases from Santa Clara county and one from Monterey. The Court decided two cases from Santa Clara in 2002 and three in 2003, and one case from Santa Cruz in 2004.
In 2010, the Court decided five cases from Santa Clara county and one from Monterey. The Court decided one civil case from Monterey in 2011, two from Santa Clara county in 2012, and two from Santa Clara and one from Santa Cruz in 2013.
The Court decided one civil case from Santa Clara county in 2015, 2017, 2018 and 2019. The Court decided one case from Monterey in 2016.
Santa Clara county has 71.52% of the population of the Sixth District and accounted for 76.56% of the civil cases. Monterey county has 16.08% of the population and 15.63% of the civil cases. Santa Cruz has been a bit underrepresented on the docket with 10.12% of the population but only 6.25% of the civil docket. San Benito county has 2.27% of the population and 1.56% of the civil cases.
Join us back here later this week as we address the Court’s criminal cases.
Image courtesy of Flickr by Konrad Summers (no changes).