This week, we’re concluding our three-week multi-part post on the originating jurisdictions for the California Supreme Court’s civil and criminal cases between 1990 and 2020.  In this post, we’re finishing the civil side of the docket, reviewing the years 2010 to 2020.

As usual, we omit the leading jurisdiction, Los Angeles County, from the Table for the sake of readability.  Los Angeles produced 120 civil cases between 2010 and 2020.  Next was Orange County, with San Diego and San Francisco right behind.  The U.S. District Courts for the Central District and the Northern District were fifth and eighth, respectively.  The next counties in line were Alameda, Riverside, Sacramento, Santa Clara, San Bernardino, Fresno and Marin.

Fourteen jurisdictions produced either three or two cases apiece – nearly half of them administrative departments and agencies, including the Public Employment Relations Board, the Agricultural Labor Relations Board, the Coastal Commission, the Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the Water Resources Control Board.

Finally, 53 jurisdictions produced one case each.  Join us back here next time as we review the data for criminal cases during the same years.

Image courtesy of Flickr by Nemanja Pantelic (no changes).