Between 1990 and 1999, appellants’ amici filed 148 briefs and were on the winning side 73 times – a winning percentage of 49.32%. Respondents’ amici filed 105 briefs, winning in 60 cases – a winning percentage of 57.14%.
Appellants’ amici in sentencing law cases won 82.61% of the time. Appellants’ amici in in juvenile issues won 75% of the time. Property law appellants’ amici won half their cases. Appellants’ amici in constitutional law cases won 48.15% of the time. Appellants’ amici in death penalty and violent crimes cases each had a winning percentage of 42.86%.
Respondents’ amici in death penalty cases won 80% of the time. Civil procedure respondents won 61.36% of their cases. Respondents’ amici in constitutional law cases won 60.87% of their cases. Respondents’ amici in juvenile law issues won 57.14% of the time.
Join us later this week as we review the data for the years 2000 through 2009.
Image courtesy of Flickr by Tony Webster (no changes).