The Court decided five tort cases from the First District between 2010 and 2020 – one from Division Three, four from Division Four and one from Division Five. The Court decided 22 cases from the Second District. There were four cases from Division One, three each from Division Three and Division Four, seven from Division Five, one from Division Six and two each from Divisions Seven and Eight. There was one case from the Third District. There were four cases from the Fourth District: two from Division One, two from Division Two and three from Division Three. There was one case from the Fifth District and three from the Sixth District.
All of the cases from Divisions Three and Four of the First District were reversed. None of the cases from Division Five of the First District were reversed. Division One of the Second District had a reversible rate of 75%. The rate for Divisions Three and Four was 66.67%. The reversal rate for Division Five was 42.86%. The reversal rate for Divisions Six and Eight was 100%, and the rate for Division Seven was 50%. The Third District had a reversal rate of 100%. The reversal rate of Division One of the Fourth District was 50%. The reversal rate of Division Two was 100%, and the rate of Division Three of the Fourth District was zero. None of the decisions from the Fifth District were reversed, and one of three from the Sixth District were reversed.
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Image courtesy of Flickr by Kevin Gill (no changes).