Overall reversal rates for the years 2000-2009 in wills and estates law, environmental law and election law were 100%.  The reversal rate for government and administrative law cases was 74.19%.  The rate for employment law cases was 73.68%.  The rate for domestic relations and arbitration law was 71.43%.  Working our way down the line, the reversal rate was two-thirds in tax cases, 61.29% for constitutional law, 50% for civil procedure and insurance, 37.5% in commercial law, 35.71% for tort cases and one-third for contract law cases.  The reversal rate for property law cases was 25% and the overall reversal rate for workers compensation cases was 20%.

For government and administrative law, individual reversal rates were 100% for the Fifth District, 80% for the Third District and Division Two of the Fourth, two-thirds for Division One of the Fourth and the Sixth District and 50% for Division Three of the Fourth.  For employment law cases, Division One of the Fourth, the Fifth District and the Sixth District all had reversal rates of 100%.  The reversal rate of the Third District was 77.78%.  The rate was 50% for Division Two of the Fourth and zero for Division Three of the Fourth.  Three courts had reversal rates of 100% in domestic relations cases – Division Two of the Fourth District, Division Three of the Fourth and the Sixth District.  The reversal rates for the Third District and Division One of the Fourth were 50%.  In constitutional law, the reversal rate for Division Three of the Fourth District was 100%.  Three-quarters of constitutional law decisions from Division One of the Fourth District was 75%.  The rate for the Third District was 69.23%.  Two-thirds of decisions from Division Three of the Fourth District were reversed and half of the decisions from the Sixth District were reversed.  Reversal rates for civil procedure cases were all over the map: 100% for the Sixth District, 50% for Divisions One and Three of the Fourth, 37.5% for the Third District, 20% for Division Two of the Fourth and zero for the Fifth District.

Reversal rates for tort cases varied widely too: 100% for the Third District, 75% for the Fifth District, 50% for Division Three of the Fourth District and the Sixth District, 18.18% for Division One of the Fourth District and zero for Division Two of the Fourth.

Join us back here later this week as we begin reviewing the data for the years 2010 through 2019.

Image courtesy of Flickr by Celine Nadeau (no changes).