So what percentage of criminal cases arise from final judgments?  This time, we’re reviewing the data from the years 1990 through 1999.  Since a substantial fraction of the court’s criminal cases come from death penalty appeals, we include both final judgments and death penalty cases.

Between 1990 and 1992, the percentage of final judgments in


Today, we conclude our review of the jurisdictional sources of the California Supreme Court’s docket by taking a look at the criminal docket between 2011 and 2015.

Final judgments historically amount to a somewhat lower fraction of the criminal docket than they do on the civil docket.  They dropped to a particularly low level in


For the past two weeks, we’ve been taking our first look at the composition of the California Supreme Court’s civil and criminal dockets, reviewing the sources of appellate jurisdiction from which the Court’s cases are drawn.  Today, we begin the final week of our analysis, covering the years 2011 to 2015.

Final judgments were a


Yesterday, we continued our analysis of the civil and criminal dockets at the California Supreme Court over the past sixteen years with a look at the jurisdictional sources of the civil docket between 2006 and 2010.  Today, we turn to the criminal docket during those same years.

As we showed last week, review of final


Earlier today, we addressed the jurisdictional sources of the California Supreme Court’s civil docket for the first six years of our period of study, 2000-2005. Now, we turn to the criminal docket for those same years.

Largely because of the mandatory death penalty docket, final judgments are routinely a smaller fraction of the Court’s criminal


Yesterday, we reviewed the variables which make up our sixteen year database. Today, we turn to our first question – comparing the jurisdictional sources of the California Supreme Court’s civil and criminal dockets.

We report the breakdown for the civil docket in 2000 in Table 2 below. Final judgments appealed under C.C.P. 904.1(a)(1) comprised 77.55%