Last week, we looked at how often the Chief Justice is in the minority in civil cases as one measure of how much in sync with the rest of the Court she has been from one year to the next.  Since joining the Court, the Chief Justice has been in the minority only 3.85% of the time in civil cases.  Justice Corrigan is somewhat more likely to be in the minority – 5.98% since joining the Court in 2006.  There are no obvious time trends correlating with the changing membership of the Court.  In three of her first four years, Justice Corrigan was below her baseline.  She was below baseline in 2012 and 2014, but above it in 2013 and 2015.  Her minority percentage briefly spiked in 2016 (13.89%) and 2017 (7.32%), but has been below baseline ever since – 0% in 2018, 5.88% in 2019 and 3.7% last year.

Join us back here tomorrow as we review the data for Justice Liu.

Image courtesy of Flickr by Channone Arif (no changes).