This week, we’ll begin a series of posts reviewing the tenure of each Justice of the Supreme Court. Similar to our recently completed review of former Justice Cuéllar’s tenure, we’ll devote six parts to each Justice. Although technically the Chief Justice is always the senior member of the Court, we’ll take the serving Justices in length-of-service order, beginning this week with Justice Carol Corrigan.
Since joining the Court in 2006 (through the end of last week), Justice Corrigan has participated in 554 civil cases. Her busiest year was 2007 with 53 cases. She also participated in 47 cases in 2006, 42 in 2009 and 41 in 2017. Her lightest full year to date was 2014, with 23 cases.
Justice Corrigan has participated in 834 criminal, quasi-criminal, juvenile justice and mental health cases. Her heaviest year was 2012 with 77 cases. She participated in 73 cases in 2010 and was in the sixties in 2008 (66), 2009 (61) and 2007 (60). Her lightest full year to date was 2019 with 41 cases.
Join us back here next time as we continue our review of Justice Corrigan’s tenure.
Image courtesy of Flickr by Giuseppe Milo (no changes).